Well… yeah, just a little.
I dropped off my squid quilt yesterday at PNCA for a quilt show they are hosting for the Portland Modern Quilt Guild. So on one hand, I am fully thrilled that something I made is going to be in a show… but on the other hand, I’m missing it already.
Funny how that happens. I guess when you spend so much time on something, it becomes your baby… until you make something new. I’m sure anyone out there who makes things would understand. I think of my good friend who is a stone mason ~ he works so hard on these amazingly beautiful projects, but he has to leave them behind when he is finished. I think it takes a bit of maturity to do that… so I guess I better grow up already. 🙂
hee hee… I am pretty excited to see this show however! It will be at PNCA (1241 NW Johnson) in gallery 214 *upstairs* this Thursday (First Thursday), April 7th starting at 5:30. I believe there will be 16 quilts on display from the PMQG ~ it’s going to be great!! There are so many super-talented people in this group of quilters, everytime I go to a meeting and see the quilts they bring for show and tell, I’m always VERY inspired. If you’re like me and LOVE going to see the quilts at the state fair… I think you’d be pretty excited by this show too ~ so maybe I’ll see you there!