Thanks for checking out my quilt portfolio! I love working with fabric, color and texture. Quilting is my joy.
Below you will find photos of my work divided into types of quilts:
- The Chakra Quilt Series
- My Hand-Pieced Quilts
- Cannabis Quilts
- Mini Quilts & Pillows
- Improv & Patterned Quilts
- Commissions
- Thread & Fabric Compositions
The Chakra Quilt Series:
I learned a lot about the Chakra energy system of the body while creating these quilts. It became a self-healing journey to help me face some old emotional traumas. Stitching these quilts together and focusing on different perspectives of my past were very helpful and the process helped me grow. I still need more healing time, but this project was emotionally powerful – and I think the quilts emit that energy! I am currently working on a presentation for these seven quilts. Because this work was created with so much emotion, it’s a bit hard for me to speak about them without my voice getting shaky… but I’m working on that! If you or your guild might be interested in a virtual presentation of making of these, send me an email!

My Hand-Pieced Quilts:
This hand-piecing obsession of mine started in 2010 when I attended my first Portland Modern Quilt Guild Meeting and the speaker talked about English Paper Piecing or EPP. She showed how to baste hexagons and ideas of how they could be used. My brain started turning and soon after I had designed and started the Squid Quilt. After making a few hexie quilts, I tried some different EPP shapes and created the Kaleidoscope and Fairly Isleish Quilts. I have created patterns for all of these – they are available in my store. *I’m currently updating the Kaleidoscope quilt pattern.

Cannabis Quilts
I made the large Green Cross quilt in 2015 to celebrate the legalization of recreational use of Cannabis. This particular plant has helped me overcome some major addictions, and over the years has become a mental-health aid. It keeps my mind focused so I don’t spin out of control in overwhelm. If you know, you know. I have two of the wall quilts in storage which are available for purchase.

Mini Quilts & Pillows
These are some smaller pieces I’ve created. It’s really fun to make small things as gifts and for general home-decor.

Improv & Patterned Quilts
Usually, I like to sew in an improvisational style based on what fabric I have. In an effort to have no waste, I try to use all my fabrics – even the little scraps. If an improv quilt turns out well enough, I’ll try to make a pattern for it. I have a couple patterns in my store, but since I’m still learning how to write a good pattern – I’m in the process of updating the ones I’ve made to be easier to read and understand. Some of these quilts I make purely for the process of making. I love to create and work with fabric.

My schedule allows for a few commissions a year. I enjoy creating commissioned quilt works. Based on the quilt styles and colors you like, everything is stitched together with my version of organized improvisation. Anything from a quilt for a bed and utilitarian use to an artistic venture for a textile wall hanging. Fill out this form if you’re ever interested in having a special quilt made for yourself or a loved one.

Thread & Fabric Compositions
Starting in March 2023, I will be creating at least one 10″ x 10″ Thread & Fabric Composition each week for a year! They are small quilted pieces stretched over wood frames with hardware, ready to hang on a wall. They will all be available to purchase via a Pay-What-You-Wish format. Follow my Instagram @gweiss23 or the hashtag: #TAFcomps each Wednesday for new drops! More Info.