This marks my 100th blog post… and it’s my birthday! Definitely time to celebrate, although I’m not quite ready. This week we had some hard heavy rain and our basement flooded. Since Wednesday we’ve been cleaning and drying and moving stuff and cleaning some more. Last night was the first time in days I actually found some time to sew, and in all actuality, that’s all I really wanna do for my b-day!
This is where I’m at with the dragon:

I picked up all the browns and will be re-laying them out in a better pattern next. It’s definitely a labor of love, or at least…something to obsess over. Last night I was up late playing in my sewing room ~ there’s no clock in there, and I listen to books on CD so I can get really lost in time. No surprise I didn’t get to bed till about 5am. But, I got a lot done! The anniversary quilt top is just about finished.
Oh yeah… HAPPY NEW YEAR – year of the Dragon starts today! With the new year comes high hopes for progressive change and continued happiness and contentment with many friends new and old. Thanks for sharing in it with me!
Thanks TheaM!
I am so impressed with your planning and patience!
…and I definitely will follow your progress on this masterpiece!
Happy New Year!
You are so good with your planning of placement – adding the brown in the right places is going to make the dragon pop!! Happy Birthday – enjoy your month!!! 😉