I’m going to show you yet another step in the hexie quilt process: Removing the paper pieces! Some people remove the inner papers as they go on a project like this, but I prefer to leave them all in until I’m finished with the quilt.
I work in rows so I don’t lose my place. You’ll notice I have a large seam allowance on the back so that the papers are totally covered. I like it like this. When I quilt it, all that extra fabric will boost puffiness and texture.
I start by using a seam ripper to snip the basting thread near the beginning knot.
Then I use a wooden skewer or toothpick to pick out the basting thread.
Then I use the skewer to stick in and through the hole I punched in the paper and…
POP – out comes the paper!
I made a little video to show a little more of the process that can be found here. It’s a pretty quick process, I just started today, and have about 1/4 of the papers out already! Starting a thread collection too:

Using a skewer, having punched holes in the centres, is a brilliant idea. You don't run the risk of poking holes in the quilt by you using your seam ripper either.
I also like to leave a larger seam but more for security. If you are quilting around each hexie the puffiness would really add texture but with this size hexie and a large quilt it would take a lot of doing.
I enjoyed the little video too!
Thanks Karen, I'm trying to decide if I will hand quilt this one or if I will use my machine. I might make a mini test sample using some extra hexies to see if I can work through all those layers in a good fashion. I've been enjoying your posts on hand quilting too!
Hi Gail! My name is Lauren and I am the Manager down at the Cotton Patch in Keizer, and a former PMQG member (2014 got a little too crazy in my life, so I had to drop it). I didn't see an email listed here, so I thought I'd leave a comment…Do you ever teach classes on English Paper Piecing? I know people here would love to learn this from someone who is an expert. Keizer isn't terribly far, and we would pay for mileage in addition to pay for your teaching hours. Would you be interested?