A few weeks back I had an intense emotional release during my yoga practice. I wrote about it here. Ever since, I’ve been envisioning how to purge those emotions through quilting. I’ve also been dreaming about sewing a yellow quilt, so I designed one!
I spoke with my Cranial Sacral Therapist about all this. I told her how I wrote about it on my blog and she found it interesting that I’m being so open about my emotions in that very public way. She reminded me of how I felt like an outsider when I was a kid, and how I usually try to be invisible as an adult. It’s a protective act – not be seen or noticed – to keep myself safe from ridicule/pain/nerves. This new ‘showing of emotions’ should be taken as a sign to move past the fear, and to believe in my self-worth. I showed her my design, and we both think my Solar Plexus Chakra that is screaming for attention.
The Solar Plexus Chakra, also called Manipura. It is the 3rd chakra and is based just below the diaphram. It is where our will power comes from, and our ability to achieve, self-esteem, raw emotions, and self-discipline are seated there. This energy system governs the large intestines, the stomach, the digestive system, the adrenal glands, the pancreas, the liver and the lungs. When you have a ‘gut’ feeling about something, it is this energy source that is communicating to your brain.
Yellow, fire, and sunflowers are all positive symbols of this chakra, and so is a downward pointing triangle. My design is perfect for this project.
With my anxiety, liver, digestive issues, it makes total sense that this is where I need to work energetically. I need a better sense of self. To help heal this chakra, the mantra I need to keep repeating is:
I am confident in all that I do. I am successful and release my creative energy into this Reality, effortlessly.
So I’m repeating this over and over as I stitch away. One fun fact is that this is my second try at foundation paper piecing, and I’m learning a lot as I go!
Freezer paper technique
The paper piecing technique using freezer paper that my friend Rozina showed me, works great! I’m going to work on a tutorial for that soon!
Looking at the design again I see so much more symbolism. There is the center triangle standing apart from the background. That is representing my self-worth – and it’s made up of many other smaller triangles, that represents my friends and family who are super supportive. The darker edges around the center triangle sort of look like feathers, but really represent all the tears and negativity shed over the years, so I could find myself.
It might seem weird to use quilting as therapy, but for me – it works. I think it’s extremely therapeutic to work with texture and color, and to work and create something completely new with your own hands. While working on the Root Chakra quilt, I connected with that quilt, that project, everything about it. It was healing for me. I’m happy to work through emotional baggage as I sew. Plus, I think the end result radiates the energy I put into it.
I am confident in all that I do. I am successful and release my creative energy into this Reality, effortlessly.
Wow! Gail, this is BEAUTIFUL, and symbolically very powerful, i am so happy to see your growth, reflected in your art. You are amazing! One of my favorite people on this planet. I admire you more all the time. Love you!
Oh… thank you Shannon! You are one my favorite people too <3
Brava, Gail! I can’t wait to see your quilt unfold, especially knowing all the good things the making of it is doing for you.
Thanks Dawn, it really is amazing what the power of quilting (creativity) can do for a person 🙂
This is going to be an amazing quilt! And if it’s therapeutic to boot, then win win! Have a great weekend.
Thanks Nicole! It certainly is a win-win – hope you have a great weekend too! I think I’ll just be here sewing 😉