I haven’t been able to collaborate with many people on quilt projects in the past. I have commitment issues. Before Covid hit, I was part of a small sewing group started by my friend Sara Flynn. It was great to get together and sew – even if we all were working on different projects! In appreciation, a few of us were able to make a quilt for our friend.
Sara is an awesome human. She has an energy about her that makes her super fun to be around. She is also an amazing quilter with her own unique style that I can fully appreciate. We worked on one group quilt together – we called it the Uterus Quilt. It was a political statement on our rights as women and turned out beautifully! I recommend checking out her website Sara Flynn Makes.
We are both part of the Portland Modern Quilt Guild, and live near each other. We met at PMQG Sew Day when it was at Fabric Depot. Then Fabric Depot went out of business and we didn’t have a place locally to sew together. Lucky for us, Sara is also a Veteran and was able to secure a place for us to sew at the local American Legion. The Legion is only 3 blocks from my house, so it was great for me. Our group was called: Quilters and Tilters.

So we wanted to make a quilt for our friend. Sara makes and gives generously to others, and we just wanted to give a little back. One theme we had discussed for a group quilt was: eyes. I thought it would be a good theme for Sara’s quilt.
Everyone involved made a quilt block. Rachel and I worked on the layout together. Chris did the AWESOME quilting! Laura was tasked with the binding, and then I added a screen printed label on the back:

The quilt was delivered to her today… and I was relieved to hear that she likes it! Does anyone else worry that a quilt recipient may not like something you made for them? It’s silly – but I can’t help myself. Till tomorrow – Happy Quilting!