I’m making really good progress on my Crown Chakra Quilt. I’m double checking today, but I’m pretty sure I got all the triangles quilted. The main quilting is ‘stitch-in-the-ditch’, then I went back and densely quilted the smaller triangles to help show that part of the design. There’s also a peek-a-boo triangle at the bottom of the quilt. I’m working out how to do the binding, but I’m pretty excited about how it’s coming out.

The whole quilt is about 65″ square. There are 1000 3″ triangles in the quilt, of those 198 are made up of 4 smaller triangles. I’m making a bias binding so I can bind around the angled edges.

I’ve been pretty singular-minded lately, so all I’ve been doing is quilting… that and working! Our screen printing business is starting to pick up again after Covid, and I couldn’t be more thankful. Makes it so we don’t HAVE to push for money on every level of creativity. That said, I’m still moving forward with turning my quilting hobby into another small business. Luckily, I can take my time with this, and create more patterns, and a real plan before really launching anything.

I’m also preparing for a brand new project, and I’m very excited it will be colorful. Especially after an all white quilt!! I definitely need to do some fabric shopping, need much more in the way of dark orange for this one. Can’t talk about it too much, it’s for someone in particular who I’m pretty sure does not read this blog… but just in case – this is all you’ll see of this project until it has been given to recipient.
That’s my quilty check-in.