I just got a new mini-iron! I’m so excited, I love new tools – especially when they make things better. This one should make things easier when it comes to ironing my pieces for the Fairly Isleish Quilt. My larger iron is quite heavy and is really hard to manipulate around these small pieces.

You can see my pile of small blocks for this quilt that is needing a good pressing. I’ve started piecing the small blocks for the second half of this quilt and I’m up to the 3rd row. This quilt is taking a bit of time. I am very distracted with politics right now and am trying to keep my mind positive.
This is the first half the quilt on my design wall:

I’ve started sewing these smaller blocks together when I do virtual sew days with my guild. I would really like to finish this within the next 2 months. I plan on entering this to QuiltCon this year. I’ve entered that show many times and have always been rejected – so this is really hard. Expected rejection.
Kitty Update
Taz Kitty is now three years old! He is still a spazzy-Taz and makes us bleed from time to time, but he’s starting to mellow out a bit.

Isn’t he the sweetest thing?
What is your sweet thing that is giving you emotional strength these days?