I have four weeks under my belt on this Thread & Fabric Composition (#TAFcomps) project. Thought I’d share how this textile art project is going!
First, I have been more productive now than I have been in a long time, and that feels great! While I had only planned on making one a week, I have been making a few extra. It’s unplanned and not part of my initial budget, but if I keep getting offers on them, I’ll be able to afford the materials to make a few every week!
Second, it makes me feel really good to offer these at a price that people can afford. I have been creating these thinking of them as gifts for my community. If I don’t form attachments to them, they are like ‘open-value’ art pieces. I think the Pay What You Wish (PWYW) format is a really fun way to make artwork accessible.
Shout out to Victoria Vanderlaan who inspired me to move forward with this idea. Her artwork is amazing, but it was the PWYW format of sharing that really got me excited. In the same way, I encourage anyone interested in trying this way of sharing their artwork. It’s very freeing creatively.

Project Report
My first week I only created one piece, but I received 3 offers on it! For this one I put names on pieces of paper and had my husband draw the winning offer.
I made three more the second week. Only one offer was sent to me for one of the pieces. That left me with Thread & Fabric Comps. with no homes. I received no offers for the one I made the next week either. So I put those in my store. It’s first-come-first-serve, but otherwise the same PWYW format.
Last week was much more successful! I made two pieces and received 2 offers for each of them. This time I found an online app called NameWheel where I can put the names of anyone who makes an offer on the wheel and I can record my screen when I spin it which makes it totally random and super fun too!

Here’s what it looks like with 2 offers. I like that I can add a photo too! There’s always so many things to learn about!
So far the range of offers that I’ve received are from $25 to $110 for each piece. I know it’s hard to come up with a price that seems right or fair. But any amount over $12 (for shipping) is a fine amount, especially if you are as financially challenged as I am! That said, if you feel the value is worth more and you can afford it, I am humbly appreciative of larger offers as well!
I hope to receive more offers for each piece as this project moves forward. I will be creating at least one a week for a year! If you want to follow these posts on Instagram, follow me @gweiss23 or #TAFcomps for Wednesday drops at 6pm PST.
Everything made from this project is divided between three things: 1. Materials and shipping to continue the project, 2. Monthly infusions for my non-iron-absorbing body, and lastly 3. Food + vet care for 12+ feral cats we care for.
The iron infusions keep me feeling human and allow me to have enough energy to do more than just sleep. When I am very iron-deficient, I just can’t do much and my brain turns to mush. I am working on figuring out the WHY’s to this, but for now the only thing I can do is try to keep up my expensive monthly appointments.
These feral cats have been around a few years. We recently got them all fixed and they are so much happier now! Lima Bean, Rodo, Ryebread, Squeegee, Mama Angel, Gandy, Maru, Butters, Fluffchick, ChiChi, B.Batz, Princess Leo, and new-to-the-crew: Jumpers (working on getting him fixed too!)
I’m super appreciative of any and all support of this little art project! Here are a few pics of some of those cute kitties!