The Modern Quilt Guild recently announced their theme for 2024 QuiltCon will be: Maximalism. I’m excited to try a maximalist style quilt project! Not my usual design aesthetic, so it’s going to be a challenge for sure. I plan to use as many of my loud prints as I can – and still make them look cohesive. Also, I decided to use some saturated solids to help distinguish the actual quilt pattern.
I just designed a brand new quilt pattern for this too! It’s made up of 2″ and 4″ blocks using a template I created that gives each block a slight curve. When you put them together with 4 solid squares, they make a circle. I didn’t do circles though… I made something that looks like tire tracks to me, so I’m calling the pattern: Treaded. At least for now – I might change the name if I think of something better!

I’m actually thinking of making two of these right off the bat. I have all the pieces cut for the maximalist piece, but I would also like to see this in muted solid colors too – a minimalist piece to match!
Keeping Busy Through Stress
I’m so happy to have this project started right now. I need the escapism of creating in my studio for a few days. My daughter is traveling in Japan alone right now, and she has come down with a bad case of vertigo and hasn’t been able to move much. She also has to travel today to get to the airport, or to get to a doctor – either way requires a 3 hour train ride – with vertigo. I have similar issues that got worse over time to the point I can no longer travel. I’m very concerned, but if anyone can do this, it’s my kid! I still can’t help but totally stress since there is nothing else I can do.
We also had a terrible kitty loss this morning. Our lovely Lima Bean was hit by a car. He was one of the original feral cats we’ve been caring for. My husband is devastated. He gets so attached to these little beings -which makes him the best caretaker – but also really hurts when something bad happens.

So today is a sad, stressful day around here. Things will be better as soon as I hear that my daughter is safe in Tokyo late tonight. Until then, I’m going to sit with my bright colorful fabrics and try to get so busy I that I block my emotions.