For the last few weeks I’ve been sick. Some kind of head cold that started in my ears with a headache/earache, and now it’s traveled down and I have a sore throat and too much congestion. I’ve become a home-body because I’m afraid of getting others sick. It’s wiping out my energy as well, and so there has not been much in the way of sewing happening. Not much writing either!
Some progress
It doesn’t help that the days are now much shorter (especially with daylight savings time) and darker. Grey days are always harder for some reason. I think that is why I love working with very colorful fabrics! I did, however, finish 25 rows of hexies in my squid quilt. That means I’m halfway done with that part of the project, AND I figured out how I’m going to do the border! I’m going to add a row of cream-colored hexies around the whole thing, then the rest of the border will be charcoal grey. I’m thinking the cream could even be textured, and the grey a Kona Charcoal.
If you have feedback on these fabrics and how they may work together with this quilt, I would LOVE to hear it! I’m spending so much time piecing the main top part together, so I don’t want to detract from it by picking bad border colors/fabrics!! Here is my attempt to see the colors of the border, it’s not the best way to see and decide, but it does help to have a visual:
I will be sewing these hexies together for at least another month. My husband is going in for surgery this Monday, so I figure I’ll have plenty of time to work on this while he is recuperating!
Oh look… the sun is peeking out of the clouds… I’m a happy girl!