Since this is a Wood Dragon, I really wanted the background to look like wood. One week of free motion quilting and 4 spools of thread later….
and I finally have the background all quilted!! I was inspired by Angela Walters and her wood grain pattern she showed when she recently lectured at the PMQG. She also was encouraging when it comes to dense quilting. I LOVE how it turned out, it’s very textural and organic looking! The only major problem I had was quilting over batiks ~ there are not many in this quilt (thank goodness) but where there were batik hexies, I had to readjust my tension, and even then I was breaking thread often. Also… since I do this on my Singer, the stitch lengths are not perfect ~ but the overall effect is great!
Now to start quilting the dragon proper! I’m saving a full quilt picture for the final unveiling 😉
can't wait to see this!!!!
Nice! It looks great! I can't wait to see the entire quilt!!
Thanks! I'm hand stitching the rest of it, but my goal is to have it done by the next PMQG meeting on Feb21 so I can show it live!