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Guild Goodies!


So… I belong to the Portland Modern Quilt Guild, and we have meetings and group sew days every month. Our guild is a fantastic group of creative and motivated people, and I just found out we are at 175 members! That’s BIG.

Anyway, I’m helping our guild organize a group show for the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show (if you’re a member and reading this – Enter your quilts here) … and honestly I got a little frustrated with how unorganized I can be. So before the meeting, I took the time to layout a timeline for the event and list all pertinent information in one place. It felt good to get that done… and I feel I was karmically rewarded for that effort – because I won an awesome door prize at the meeting!

quilt guild goodies

Check out all these goodies: Awesome fabrics, especially the new line from Violet Craft called Brambleberry Ridge. Some super fun pins from Sam Hunter, a Modern Quilts Day Planner, a marking pencil. And to top it off, a free 3-month subscription to Creative Bug where I can take a log cabin class from Susan Beal.

I was SO excited! I keep petting my new fabrics. My daughter is in love with the deer and the bird prints, and has already called “dibs” on whatever quilt I make with that fabric.

I was able to make a bunch of hexies at the meeting too – starting my second round of Cerise hexies around the border. Trying to decide if I should change it up a little to a darker shade for the next round… what do you think?

jellyfish hexies

Since the sun has been out here and there this spring. We’re trying to do some planting around the house. We recently planted this forsythia bush in the SW corner of our yard. Hoping to fill the whole front with bushes and trees – we live on a busy street. Can’t wait to see it all yellow next spring!!


New Kitty


His name is “Cat” for now… he’s an outdoor dude. When we moved here 8 months ago, there was a house fire down the street, and this cat was displaced when that family moved. My husband noticed him hanging out on the neighbors porch, asked them about the cat and they said it belongs to the family of the house fire. Gregg felt so bad for the homeless kitty, he covered a pillow in plastic (to sit on in the wet grass) and went over and sat with the kitty for an hour or so everyday for a few months. Eventually he started coming to our place, and now when I open the curtain to the patio door, this is what I see in the morning:


We thought of bringing him inside, but he gets really freaked out when we shut a door. And Gregg is fairly allergic to cats (yes, he has to wash body/clothing after every kitty hang out session). So we bought him some food, give him some water and just love him whenever he wants some attention. It’s so great to have a little furry creature around again… although I’m still dying to get a new doggie when we can.


2 thoughts on “Guild Goodies!”

  1. Wonderful prize you won! Your hexies are going so well. You may have to try your different ideas out – you seem to have and eye for creating a great finish. Your cat looks like one we had during my childhood. My husband is also allergic to cats but he hates them passionately so no cats are even spoken of at our place…..

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