These last few days, I’ve been working on coping with my newfound anxiety issues. It’s been difficult to just sit and sew. I feel like I need to be much more active to alleviate the icky feeling in my body. It has been very soothing to hang out with Mr. Kitty – he’s such a mushball of love. Amazing what a little time with a furry hairball can do 🙂
One thing I am working on is sewing some hexies together for a medallion piece. It’s about halfway done. It’s taking longer than usual because I have so many other projects happening as well as work. I’m not sure if I’m going to use it as a medallion for the center of a quilt, or if I should just make it a coffee-table mat.
Our PMQG picnic is this Thursday and I’m really excited to bring my Game of Quilts quilt to show at Show and Tell. I’ll be posting about that quilt soon – I decided to quilt a little more into it first. Since it’s such a small quilt (18″x18″) every detail is noticeable and may be a good opportunity to densely quilt it up. They’ve already started accepting online submissions. Open online voting will be  Sept. 16th – Sept. 19th.
There are a few other smaller projects in my studio that I need to work on, I’m hoping to feel good enough to tackle some this weekend!