Oh my. I am in love…
As I mentioned in my last post, I recently bought a new sewing machine. This is it! It’s a Juki 2010Q and I am really loving it!
It has an automatic needle threader, a thread cutter, knee lift, and needle up/down lock. So many new things to get used to. I think my Singer is getting jealous.
So this is what I’ve been working on the last few days – the quilt in the machine. It’s the screen printed quilt that I’ve been slowly working on for over a year. Now that I have a machine to do free-motion-quilting on… any quilting really -the throat is 9″ wide and tall too – it’s so easy to get a quilt through!
Other than that, I’ve been working on healing a toe that I deeply cut in the shower the other day… I dropped my razor, had my eyes closed to rinse shampoo from my hair, and accidentally stepped on the razor. It was pretty bloody – luckily my daughter was home and patched me up! It’s still pretty sore – so I’m slow moving these days.
So now my toe is all taped up and ready for more sewing – the best part is, is that I’ll have a quilt for show and tell at the next PMQG meeting! YAY! As I’m working on this quilt, I’m thinking of my friend Veronica who I saw at the PMQG All Day Sew yesterday – she was working on a quilt that had some fantastically bright colors in it. I loved it! We were talking about how certain colors can appeal to some and not at all to others. Since we have similar color likes… I think she’ll like my quilt too.