Happy holidays folks!
I’ve been taking time away from social media lately, and it’s been wonderful to recharge, but I’m ready to get back to it… at least with keeping up this blog.
Health in 2020 will be my main pursuit. Specifically I’m working on lowering blood sugar numbers, triglycerides, and CRP numbers. I’m also trying to heal my fatty liver, and support more bile production after losing my gall bladder 20 years ago. My end goal is to not feel nauseas or anxious on a daily basis.
To this end, I’ve been studying a lot of different holistic approaches. By healing our body’s ability to detoxify, we allow our liver to heal everything else. So… I’ve been working on timing sleep and eating patterns to be more aligned to natural circadian rhythms, as well as drinking a gallon of water a day and cutting dairy and sugar. Since I’m a late night person who loves chocolate, this has been a very difficult change.
As it happens, one of the Chakra Quilts I need to make still is the Sacral Chakra – it’s the 2nd Chakra, right above the Root Chakra and it’s the energetically rules the stomach, intestines, kidneys, pancreas, adrenals, spleen, liver, middle spine, and sexual organs. It seems to be the best quilt to work on next since these are all the same things I’m working on physically.
The main color of the Sacral Chakra is orange – I love orange! Yet, I’ve been blocked with the idea of designing this quilt. I think that’s a sign that it’s important. I have one idea using Christina Cameli’s Wedge Quilt Workshop book and adding a little flair of my own… we’ll see how that pans out.
On a sad note, we had to say goodbye to our lovely Mr. Kitty Karryall on Dec. 21, 2019. He had kidney failure and there was nothing we could do once we realized what was happening. He was our little fluffy joy and I miss him so much. It’s amazing to me how much these little furry beasts can affect our hearts.
This has me feeling sad. To stay on top of my emotions and not spiral downward, it is important for me to stay busy – and to resolve the emotion rather than suppress it. I need to make things in a therapeutic type of way. So I’ll be creating a little memorial for Mr. Kitty real soon, it’s going to be a good project to work on.
My new year plan for quilts is this Sacral Chakra Quilt that I’m starting to work on now, and the last two: the Anja Chakra Quilt and the Crown Chakra Quilt. These quilts take a lot out of me because I learn about each Chakra as I go along, and create a mantra I repeat while sewing. I also add things to the design based on the symbology of each energy center.
If I can get these 3 quilts done by 2021, I will be very happy. I have a list of other quilts I’d like to start like another Kaleidoscope Quilt… but in a different colorway! I’m itching for another large hand stitching project. Speaking of which… the Kaleidoscope Quilt was juried into the Road to California Quilt Show, and will be showing Jan 23 (my b-day!) – Jan 26th, 2020! If you’re planning to go to this show, let me know… I’d love to get a photo since I won’t be attending myself.
This all means that my 2020 new year will be full of quiltmaking, food making, and self-care. What about you? Do you have plans or do you do resolutions? Is there a quilt you know you want to make? A class you want to take? I think happiness comes from following through on a plan… so I’m just sitting here brewing up plans!