They happen… unexpected setbacks. I signed up to do a blog post a day, but missed yesterday – and even writing this is difficult.
I’m just having some digestive issues, and it is currently causing a bout of dizziness. That makes it really hard to look at a screen of any sort without a bit of nausea setting in. I think I’m just dehydrated, so I’m not too worried. I’m actually feeling much better today than yesterday.
I’ll be back in the swing of it soon. So, for today’s post I’m going to share some of the photos my husband has been taking out in our yard. We have so many critters out there – and some are just beautiful.
We have a few murders of crows, some flights of pigeons, a couple flickers, blue jays, hummingbirds, sparrows, juncos, starlings… and even a few feral kitties that come around often. We live on a busy street, so we really are happy to give them a safe place to just be.