So much has been happening lately, I need to catch up! The coolest thing is that I had a couple new opportunities to show my quilts in public. My two Treaded quilts are currently hanging at the Montavilla Sewing Center in Lake Oswego! They are showing all the QuiltCon24 quilts from Portland-area artists through the month of May. So cool!
I was also part of a First Thursday art show in downtown Portland. It was a gorgeous venue with tall ceilings, brick walls and huge windows. I was so thankful for Gregg who climbed ladders and hung most of the quilts from very tall beams. It really turned out well for quick planning.

It was great to see so many people come through and have positive reactions to the quilts shown. Since it was last minute, there weren’t a lot of submissions. The other artists who had quilts in this show are: Laura Broughan, Chris Marchini, Sara Flynn, Marci Macfarlane, and Jill Huntington. I was able to bring 7 of my own quilts: Wood Dragon, Jellyfish, Hummingbird No. 2, Kaleidoscope, Fairly Isleish, Little Pieces of My Heart and Green Cross No.2. I think I’m going to start calling myself a textile artist. People take it more seriously than the term: quilter.
Health Stuff
It was a great show – but I feel like my body is still recovering. I’ve been exhausted ever since. I feel like being tired and easily overwhelmed is just the new me at this point. I’m trying new suppliments for stomach acid to help my digestion issues. I also started eating seed crackers on the regular. Seeds are nutrient-dense in many of the minerals I’m deficient in. I’m hoping this is makes a difference in my energy levels.
One new thing is that I started seeing a therapist. I’ve never seen a mental-health professional before. I’m not sure what to expect or what my specific goals are yet. I like this therapist. I feel like I can be open about my religious aversion. We’ve only met twice, on the second meeting she gave me a diagnosis of: C-PTSD. I’m still learning what that is. I though it was for military people who have seen war, but that is PTSD which is a bit different.
She said she has tools to help things like my crazy anxiety while being in public, the low self-esteem and feeling like I don’t fit in anywhere. I’m totally down if it can help some of those constant feelings. Plus – my insurance is covering most of the costs! If I can get a handle on my emotions, I might be able to start doing more in the quilt world.
Right now I don’t feel capable of too much responsibility. Even the slightest bit of stress can send me into a ‘frozen’ state where I just can’t do anything or think straight. It’s really frustrating and so it leads to crying and feeling completely overwhelmed… and that just exacerbates things. I can’t seem to control my emotions – even the little ones.
Current String Quilt Progress
The one thing that really keeps me sane is to work with fabric and color to create quilts! Seriously tho!
Right now I’m working a string quilt that is generally orange and purple. I’m using scraps from a couple other quilts I’ve made, and from fabrics I got from the free table at my guild. I recently finished the top:

This picture looks a little funny because it’s sideways. My design wall is not large enough to hold it vertically. I really love how it turned out! Now I’m working on sewing the leftover strips together as a scrap quilt for the backside, making it a two-sided quilt.
I was hoping to get this done for the upcoming meeting in a week from today. There’s no way I’m going to be able to finish by then. I don’t have energy to sew everyday anymore, I also have to take things slow so I don’t hurt myself. I’ve changed my goal to get this done for the next in-person meeting 2 months from now to lower that stress.
My list of quilts-to-make is growing. I mostly want to mix colors or try new techniques… so I’m working on what I’m going to work on next. I’m considering working in blues, teals, and greys for my next one. Something completely different. Still unsure… decisions are so hard sometimes!