Phew… boy oh boy. I have been on a crazy physical and emotional rollercoaster lately. I’m pretty sure I can chalk it up to getting older and being female. Ugh. I’m sure some of you know exactly what I’m talking about!
Yeah, I think it’s that time. I’m 47 and the average age is 51, so it looks like I’m right on schedule. This is one of those times I wish I could talk to my mom and find out more about her health issues. Instead I’m reading up on the subject and learning a lot on my own about this somewhat intangible thing called peri-menopause.
This could be the base of a lot of my recent ‘mystery symptoms’! The thing that tipped me off was I recently started getting morning sickness… and I’m definitely not pregnant. Who knew this can be a symptom?!? I sure didn’t, and if it’s anything like the morning sickness I had while pregnant 26 years ago, I will be miserable every morning till it’s over. This along with many other fun things like hot flashes are my new reality.
As you know, I need to find a silver lining in everything. Or else my depression can take hold and pull me to never never land. So… I’m excited that this may be the cause of other awful symptoms. It all could be going away soon!! I just have to get over the hump. To do that, I’m immersing myself in quilting.
I brought my Juki in for a cleaning and tune-up and since I’m now without a machine, I started another hexie project! Hexies always cheer me up – they are so freaking cute!
A good friend purchased my Hexie Hummingbird Quilt recently, so I decided to make another one with my left-over hexies. This was much harder to lay out than the first one due to my dwindling resource of made hexies. I’m still happy with it. This photo is close to the layout I ended up with:
Pretty cute, right? I like it because I’m using bright, big patterned fabrics. Very different than the usual monochromatic patterned fabrics I usually choose. This is going to be fun to sew! I’m going to keep track of my time on this too. It was very interesting to see my time spent on my last quilt, and that helps give me confidence to value my work more accurately.
Speaking of which… this is me with the Manipura Quilt at our most recent PMQG meeting. Thanks to Kimberly Lumapas for the photo! I was so nervous I don’t think I was even making any sense up there… but my guild is so supportive! As soon as the quilt unfolded, there was a bunch of applause and it made me feel like a rock star! (a little embarrassed too – if I’m being honest)
I’m really happy with how this quilt turned out, but – I really enjoyed the process of making it more than any other quilt I’ve made so far. Now that I’ve made two Chakra quilts, I think I’m going to follow through and do all seven. It will be a fun design challenge, and if I use the process of quilting for healing – it can only be good!
Hi! Found you through the 31 Day Challenge and will be following you! I just had to comment…I am 46 (in two weeks) and right there with you…I have been having morning get sickness, too!!! So weird! It’s not as bad as it was when I was pregnant -only 11 years ago for me- but most certainly queasy and icky every morning. The same “cure” seems to be working, too- saltines and lemon water. And green apples. Uuuugh, what we go through! I look forward to looking though your blog! Beautiful stuff here!
Awesome, thanks Tami! Weird doesn’t even begin to explain… but I’m glad I’m not the only one 😉 Thanks for joining me on the 31 Day Challenge!
The Manipura Quilt looks very amazing. Well done, you should be really proud of it.
Thanks Nicole, your words of encouragement keep me going 🙂