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Kaleidoscope Quilt Progress Report

running stitch

I’ve been pushing through life lately. I’m sure you can relate.

I’m working on my emotional issues and that has been draining. I just keep going back to sewing when I start to spin out mentally. – Do you know that feeling? When there is so much going on AND so much to do, you start to go from one idea to another – not giving anything the needed time and attention it deserves… not getting anything done…?
I call it spinning out.

But –  I have been working on my Kaleidoscope Quilt and it is coming along very nicely. I only have 3 chunks left in the whole quilt!  SQUEEE!
Then I need to sew these larger chunks onto my centerpiece, so I still have a bit to do, BUT I think I’ll be able to finish the top to show it at Show and Tell at PMQG in August!
If so, that will mean I hand stitched a 60″x80″ quilt in 10 months. NOT BAD!

running stitch

back of EPP chunk

The time saved is all because of the stitch lines on the back – not having to use paper pieces saves so much time! I call them NEPP pieces or Not English Paper Pieced pieces.  I’m already starting to plan a second quilt like this… in a totally different color story.

I think the only negative compared to EPP is that when you press the fabric, the back looks messy. With EPP, the seam allowances are all neatly basted into place. With a good pressing… it doesn’t really matter.

sewing map

sewing map

I’m really excited to finish this project… but it’s sort of like being halfway through the last book in a long series – I’m going to be a little lost until I find another hand-sewing project!

1 thought on “Kaleidoscope Quilt Progress Report”

  1. I understand completely about spinning out! I’m starting to feel better/recover from the most recent one and I went back to my epic-it has been months-when will I ever finish it project, and finished it! I was thrilled to bits and then immediately bummed out.

    Balance = so frickin’ hard. Your quilt looks awesome. I know you’ve kept up the good work.

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