I am currently on a new mission – making face masks. The CDC made a recommendation that we should all be wearing masks if we go out from now on. Not for self protection, but to protect others since up to 50% of those with the Covid19 virus are asymptomatic. And since no one is being regularly tested, we still don’t have a clue how many people are carrying this virus around.
Our regular screen printing businesses has been stalled – almost all of our regular clients order shirts for specific events. No events = no t-shirts. So making masks has been a family project to keep bills paid. I’m so thankful to have a machine and fabric right now!

This whole pandemic period of time has been very interesting. I would say stressful, but I’m working on keeping from going negative. We have been doing nightly walks and daily yoga and some breathing techniques to limit stress. However, it still seems to seep in.

Quilting is on hold at the moment while I focus on mask making… but I’ve been planning the finishing touches on my Sacral Chakra quilt and I’m very excited to get back to it.

What are you doing at home to keep your mind sane and occupied? Are you working on any fun projects?